Move fast and build things

When a well established, globally recognized legacy brand specializing in industrial lubricants was looking to reclaim lost market shares and re-establish its presence with the Canadian retail landscape, precise, decisive and opportunistic action was needed.

Although the company was well known, they had become hard to find, and were losing ground to competitors.

Just because a brand is established doesn’t mean that time and money are no object. When an opportunity arose for the company to re-assert themselves, they brought TalentHunt in to help facilitate the change.


The work began by establishing the goals of the organization and assessing the obstacles preventing their market dominance and growth potential. This strategic analysis resulted in uncovering that it wasn’t brand recognition or product limitations that was holding the organization back, but a lack of digital presence that could expand the category for them. Also, while they still had a firm presence in the industrial sector, it was in retail where they were coming up short and where opportunity lay.


With these insights revealed, we selected the targets to address the bottlenecks. The company was lacking in talent that could develop and deliver digitally. They based their talent acquisition in the U.S. and didn’t have the time, resources or required knowledge of the Canadian talent landscape to fulfill their needs, and the company’s compensation package was below industry standards.

Once TalentHunt had unearthed these needs, the targets were set and an agile four-stage process was put in motion to revamp the organization’s presence and place in the market.


First, TalentHunt worked to create a captivating recruiting campaign that creatively accelerated brand discovery and appeal. Second, using our industry expertise and in-depth knowledge of the talent pool, we actively sourced top level performers with the in-demand skills that could drive the brand forward. Third, to overcome the compensation deficit, we built the campaign around the strengths of a strong back-end benefits package and focused on the advantages of working with a legacy company. Fourth, by applying the leverage of our exclusive partnerships, we effectively worked with both targeted candidates and the organization to create win/win opportunities that created excitement and improved ease of negotiations.


The selective hunting strategy, as part of TalentHunt’s four-stage process, paid immediate dividends. The campaign filled numerous positions throughout the organization that proved vital to their future success. By leveraging industry knowledge and marketplace expertise in combination with an active and creative campaign showed immediate results. The business not only reclaimed lost market shares, but gained a more visible and active digital retail presence, an expanded product line, and enhanced innovation.


Over those 2 years, the 5 year CAGR went from+3% to +9% as a result 2020 and 2021 performance



If your organization could use a talent boost that is fast, active, efficient, enjoyable to work with and that has an extensive track record of exceptional results, contact us to find out how we can support your organization in reaching your goals.